Last week, I was able to do divisions with the ZLs. I was with Elder Gates from St. George. We're really good friends so it was a dang pleasure working with him. He's a baseball god, as well. We bought a big dinner of sandwiches and empanadas. Dropped some bills, but all in the name of #Divisions2k14. But other than that, we found some people who were soooo down to come to church and they ended up coming on Sunday. It was bitter-sweet because we're having trouble finding prepared people in our area but then we start working in their area and BOOM! make the magic happen. Oh well. My name will be on the teaching record. :)
We had MULTI-ZONE CONFERENCE! It was so boss. I got to see some of my loved ones from Clorinda and Fontana. Elder Vera, my last comp. in Fontana, just baptized four of the kids that we found in the colony. That was suuuper awesome to hear. Apparently they're having a lot of success in the area which I'm stoked about. It's nice to be able to see some of the fruits, you know? Also, at la conferencia multi-zona, they always give awards. I won "El Elder mas fachero" which means stylish, basically. Which is weird because I'm out here just getting pwned left and right by Argentina, but hey. But overall it was just weird, mainly because I made it really awkward. Like tucking the front of my sweater into my suit pants and doing my normal thing.
What else...P. Franco and Hermana Franco gave great trainings. I really do love them so much. Realest President ever. Straight rockin' a Michael Kors suit, man. But yeah, it was a good time. Real good.
Then Sunday rolled around. Everyone got ready, made themselves look nice, popped in their Sunday teeth and off they went. And guess what? WE FINALLY HAD INVESTIGATORS IN THE CHURCH! TWO! Pedro Piedrabuena (Goodrock) and Milagros. And it WAS a milagro! I was so happy. We've been working really hard and trying to improve our obedience...just the basics. Just trying to really focus in on the work and help our brothers and sisters here. Pedro is lookin' at enrollment for Get Dunked So Hard University, so we'll see where that goes. Milagros is 9 and is part of a less-active family. We're helping them come back to the Church and trying to help Milagros get baptized. It'll be waaay sweet. Anyway, we're happy. This is also the last week of the transfer, so we're just going to go wild and do everything we can to get them in the church again.
One other funny thing is that some people wear colored undershirts to church. So you have this nice white shirt giving off a soft neon-orange glow. Or neon-green. It's really funny haha.
But yeah, that's where we're at. Out here, we strugglin', we bumpin', we grindin', 2k14.
Pretty much have to shave every single day and it makes me want to cry. The only good thing is that the mustache game will be SO raw when I get back, holy smokes. #StacheWatch2k15
Anyway, I have to get going here but I just want to tell you all that I love you and pray for you! I know that this Gospel is true and I never thought I'd be in the position that I'm in today. It's really weird being a 20-year-old kid and giving people life-changing advice. But that's the power of the Gospel. This Gospel changes people and I know that through obedience to the Gospel, we will be happier than ever and that we will have eternal families. My testimony is that I know that the Gospel has changed me and will continue to do so. I have seen and experienced the difference between living the Gospel and just completely disregarding it. I know what I need to do to have joy in my life forever and I never want to take a different route. How great is it that if we know the Gospel is true, we never have to look for other ways to find happiness in this life! I love you all and wish you all the best. Those that are going back to school, that's a bummer. Lolz. Just playin'. I love you like a love song. <33333333333
I am Alec Sipple, son of Scott Sipple. Captain of the armies of Formosa, defender of the faith, servant of our Lord.
Godspeed, my bretheren.
Me and Elder Gates going ham sandwich on some food
Me, some Oreos, and the Francos!
Gettin' serious..except for Elder Gates. Always happy.